Yes, tomorrow when I am in the mood, I shall upgrade to Eclipse 3.6 or 3. So my solution was to find a suitable ADT that would work with Eclipse 3.5. There it clearly mentioned ADT 17 requires Eclipse runtime 3.6 and over. But eventually I saw those 2 up/down arrows at the right of the dialog box and I scrolled down. I did not scroll and I guess I wasted about a day trying to rectify this problem. You typically wouldn't scroll down since these top few lines were followed by whitespace lines :). This small but key bit of information was really at the bottom of the error generated by Eclipse which required scrolling down (since only the top few lines of error were displayed). It remains only to configure the plugin with the Androd SDK. The newer ADT versions require 3.6 or above. Step 14: Now the Android SDK and the Android plugin for Eclipse are installed. The reason why I wasn't able to upgrade my ADT to the latest was because I was using Eclipse 3.5. It run on GNU/Linux and Windows eclipse platform version. So, I had successfully broken my android development!! xMxmlCompiler is an eclipse plugin that provides an Eclipse Builder on mxml resource changes and a GUI to the Flex 4 compiler (mxmlc) of the open SDK.

In the Available Software dialog, select the checkbox next to Developer Tools and click Next.

> Click Here to Download<<<<<.Install ADT plugin for Eclipse The new SDK that I just upgraded would function only with ADT 14 and above. Download eclipse adt with the android sdk for windows. It always complained I got the versions already but I only had 8.x. With a single download, the ADT Bundle includes everything you need to begin developing apps: Eclipse + ADT plugin Android SDK Tools Android Platform-tools The latest. I was able to upgrade the SDK but not the ADT. It includes the essential Android SDK components and a version of the Eclipse IDE with built-in ADT (Android Developer Tools) to streamline your Android app development. So, I decided to upgrade both the Android SDK and ADT to the latest (at this time latest ADT is 17).