Judging from its success, I’d say many other people around the world have the same opinion. There’s lots of products that promise to clean out and speed up your devices, but the only one I’d recommend is CCleaner (download it here ), a free program I’ve been using for years and have nothing but good things to say about. I’m going to show you a free program that does a wonderful job making your computer run better and faster, and I’m also going to show you exactly how to use it. Good news: it is (probably) nothing major, it just needs a good deep cleaning. You experience more crashes, it takes longer to do even the simplest tasks, and you start to wonder what happened to that peppy little pc or smart phone you used to have. But as time goes on, it seems like things start to go downhill.

When you first get a new computer or device, it loads quickly and hardly ever crashes. Use CCleaner to Make your Computer Run Faster